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There are over 6 million ways for schools to combine Microsoft product licensing. Let our experts help you determine the ONE that’s right for your school.

Shop Devices & Accessories

We supply the latest Chromebook and Windows devices from Microsoft, HP, Lenovo and ASUS and more.


As students develop in-demand digital skills with these tools, they also learn how to express their ideas in more visually compelling ways.


STEM/STEAM is growing in K-12 schools nationwide. Shop our growing selection of STEM/STEAM solutions for the classroom.


Run any app on any cloud on any device with a digital foundation built on VMware solutions for modern apps, multi-cloud, and digital workspace.

Technology Financing offers technology leasing solutions that can fit most any school’s budget and/or technology plan.

Why Schools Choose JourneyEd

Wide Selection & Educational Pricing

Get access to 100K+ education technology products in one place. No need to pay retail or juggle multiple suppliers to get what you need.

Highly-Responsive Support

Guaranteed response within one business day from a dedicated specialists who knows your account. Don’t settle for less responsive support.

Education is our only priority

While other suppliers tend to prioritize high profile corporate and government customers, we only focus on understanding and servicing the needs of schools.

In-depth experience serving the education industry

For over 25 years we’ve been helping schools choose what to buy and how to buy technology. Our expertise in education is unmatched.

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Same Day Response.

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Testimonials from Schools

  • Michelle stepped in and provided me with plans, pricing and purchase information geared towards my environment that made sense and saved my institution money and time.

    Tom Scheer, Monroe County Community College

  • I was struggling with understanding how the different software manufacturers handle their licensing, maintenance and renewals of their products until I started working with Jason Watson and his team at Jason is extremely knowledgeable and courteous, he is more than willing to go that extra step to help me. He has called me to walk me through some of the new options available through Adobe and Microsoft cloud computing.

    Lorraine M Wentzel, IT Procurement & Requisition Specialist

  • Working with Jason and his team has already resulted in far greater efficiency in configuring new computers for our faculty and staff, especially with Adobe products, which we have only recently begun to purchase through JourneyEd.

    Lorraine N. Abraham, Chief Information Officer and Director of the Library

  • Before I started working with Amrita Sethi and her team at, I was struggling with getting quotes in a timely fashion, getting help untangling the mess of MS licensing, Adobe licensing, etc. Her ability to keep her pulse on the general IT landscape and bounce ideas off is very helpful. I have, also, found myself in the bad habit of not monitoring our license renewals and she is always on top of the renewal dates.

    Bob Williamson, Network Administrator

  • As the director of group business initiatives, Jason has helped me become more engaged with this program and more comfortable with the details of what he offers to our members. Jason keeps me informed about each member’s involvement and how I can partner with him and JourneyEd to meet both the individual needs of our members and the needs of our group as a whole. Jason is prompt to respond to questions.

    Anita Girelli, Director of Business Operations

  • This past year I have spent a considerable amount of time researching Microsoft’s Volume License Program. It is interesting to note that I have heard many different scenarios about their offerings. Your Account Manager (Odessa) had the ability to provide me with a clear explanation of the program, along with the best option for us.

    Kathleen McCann, Technology Coordinator

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